Have you seen this wallpaper? Its appropriately called "Woodland" made by Cole and Sons. At first I didn't like it. It kinda reminded me of the horrid wallpaper Big Black had on his wall, on the show Rob and Big. (By the way my husband has the same wallpaper in his office!! He inherited it mind you) haha
But now it's sort of growing on me.... Don't get me wrong I'm not about to go out and buy a roll... but I kinda like it...

These rooms are totally different but it works in all of them.. hmmm

What do you think? Do you love it? Or Hate it?
Images: Decorpad
LOVE IT! If I don't go for a 'glam circus theme'(harlequin clown, trapeze artist...)I might use this in my daughter's (2 yrs) room. I love how much more adventurous I am in the kids rooms, lol. I like it in 'adult' rooms but it reminds me of 'the night garden' so I will always see it in a 'fantasy child scene' way..... hmmm... this could look good with an 'Alice' theme too.... ( or C.S. Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia....), I think I may've convinced myself to get it: it's more versatile than I first thought. :)
I love it!! Check out bryn alexandra's blog--she recently did a room for a client and used this wallpaper and it looks fab!
I saw Bryn's use of it. I liked it. Very masculine, but chic!
Ditto, I LIKE it!
I love tree themed wallpaper - so much more interesting than florals. We have brown trees on two walls in our living room - 'Enchant' by Graham & Brown - http://www.grahambrown.com/uk/product/60011/Enchant/4?show=
We love it! Its a very subtle but large print. Also just about to paper one wall of the bedroom in a similar twiggy themed paper in a kind of pale toffee colour. I pick trees and twigs over flowers any day! Mx
i love it. probs always will.
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