Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Adorable Little Pad

Thank you to Design Sponge for introducing me to this adorable little home owned by Photographer Kimberly Cornelison and her husband Alfie Ferreyra. Its only 750 square feet, but every inch of it is adorable! Not to mention their cute furry friend Walter.

I love this Picture of Walter on the sheepskin. Lilly loves to sleep on my sheepskin pillow, its her favorite!


Fran said...

I love this home - it just screams 'HAPPY' to me!!!

Hamptontoes said...

It is perfection! I love when people make their house a real home regardless of size. Gorgeous interior spaces!

bazaarofserendipity said...


I totally agree! I love that its small but because of its beauty you don't even notice! Not to mention their puppy is to die for!