One of my new favorite looks is Chinoiserie. The wallpaper just blows my mind! I can't wait until I have a dining room to get this look into full effect. I love adding little touches of Chinoiserie into a home through faux bamboo, turquoise foo dogs, ornate gold pieces. and blue and white vases. If you are a fan of this look you have got to check out
Chinoiserie Chic Blog! You will just adore it.

Some day I will have a dining room just like this baby! One of my top faves!

Don' t you want to sit her and share a cup of tea darling?

Chinoiserie Chic,
Chinoiserie Chic,
Chinoiserie Chic, Decor Pad, Decor Pad, La dolce Vita,Everything Fab, Decorista, Unknown, Ruthie Sommers, Ruthie Sommers, Decor Pad,
I heart it too! Thanks for the link!
very inspiring post. I love de Gournay's handpainted wall paper!
Hmmmmm, ideas. This would look good in my master bathroom.
Thanks for the mention of Chinoiserie Chic.
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