Here's the mood board with sources:

1. keep calm carry on available here
2. Katie's having these made through a seller on Etsy.
3. Mirror from West Elm
4. Zgallerie lamp available here
5. Pillow you sent me from Etsy
6. These are from Etsy you pay for two
7. The beautiful Urn on the coffee table available here !
8. Garden stool From Z gallerie. This is gorgeous but pricy. If you dont want to pay this much you can find a Much plainer style at Marshalls, Home Goods, Tj Max, Ross You have to kind keep checking for them.
9. Zebra Rug available here
10. Ballards Design X bench! To die for. You can also pick a fabric to have them use.. This is just one i selected from there selection I would probably choose something else. The other thing is you can look for this on Ebay.. But they are super popular and will go fast.
* Both Sofa and Coffee table Belong to Katie. Mood Board was based off an inspiration photo, I helped her achieve the look at a much lower cost.
If you are interested in a Mood Board feel free to email me at ginakates@gmail.com . This is the small size and Cost $50, $75 for large mood board. I will also follow up with details about placement, and other options.
Awwww! You did a great job! I would love it if you submitted your design serves on DecorPad!
Just click on 'submit designer'
I will for sure! You know I love decor pad! :-)
Orange and Blue= the perfect combo, always!
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