Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nailed It!

I don't know about you, but I lovvee nail head trim on just about anything. I think it is so genius what interior designers Todd Nickey and Amy Kehoe did to this fab closet. Can you believe the drawers and doors are actually wrapped in fabric, and then nail heads on top! Man can you imagine how long this would take?! But the results are worth it, so glam and plush.

Images: Cococozy


Suzie said...

me too, me too! LOVE.

Nicole Terry Merrell said...

I agree-Ive got a nailhead couch and cocktail table!

Fran said...

Amazing! These photos stop me dead in my tracks!!

designchic said...

Love nailheads in ottomans, chairs, and sofas but I have to say I've never seen them used like this...stunning

niartist said...

Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I'm having a pretty great giveaway on the blog I hope you'll stop by to enter! :) Talk soon, Artie :)

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

yum love this! Expensive, but sucha statement.

PS- your pug is adorable!